The NÓS DO CROCHÊ is a non-profit Social Project that has been working with women from the Rocinha community since 2019.

We aim to aggregate and unite women willing to change their realities.

Exchange of knowledge, experiences and experiences are key points for our sharing that time is teaching, time becomes learning.

Crochet is the final result of the process of mutual acceptance, which involves income generation, social inclusion, rescuing dignity, valuing women and manual work.

We offer Crochet classes, psychological and pediatric care in a space intended not only for courses, but also for socializing.

With the sale of production we were able to monetize this learning, allowing these women, the vast majority of heads of families, mothers of special children, or simply forces in search of opportunity, to have an income in a pleasant way.

They work inside their homes or here at school NÓS DO CROCHÊ, a space for them and for them with all love and respect.

Our greatest achievement has been the creation of bonds between all the women who somehow get involved with NÓS DO CROCHÊ.

And there are many!

WE are artisans, volunteers, teachers, buyers, promoters and supporters in general.
We strongly believe in uniting different worlds and realities.

We all have a lot to offer!




Nós do Crochê - Atividades Sócio-Culturais


How it all began:

Capacitação emerged as an arm of the creators of the A.M.A.R. (Association of Friendly Mothers of Rocinha) created by Daniela Vignoli and Fabiana D` Angelo with the aim of collecting food for the neediest families in the Rocinha community.

A.M.A.R had more than 100 women donors of basic food baskets and there were more than 150 families helped monthly, but even so, we felt that we could offer more. Not just food, but also a little dignity. We needed to make it possible for them, women of the family, to be able to buy their own food.

Crochet classes started once a week in a classroom at Ciep Ayrton Senna in Rocinha, coordinated by Daniela Vignoli and having as main teachers Heloisa Cyrillo and Sonia Baeninger.

Dani is a visual artist and spent most of her afternoons at the Parque Lage Visual Arts School and Helô, the municipal attorney, dedicated herself to defending municipal causes. They quickly recognized each other because they had the same perception of the situation. It was no use teaching a craft to someone who didn't have the money to buy raw materials. It was useless to produce if they wouldn't know how to sell. It was no use selling to those who didn't have the money to buy.

Dani, Helô and their students lived in the same neighborhood, but in totally different worlds, despite being physically so close.

We needed to unite these universes, create a support network, bridges to enable more women to share their knowledge.

The “fights” over who would pay for the next purchases of supplies for the classes, made us decide that the best thing was to join forces and officially embrace what was already predestined.

We rent our own space for the creation of our school, where we offer snacks, celebrate birthdays, have conversation circles and forget about the problems outside.

NÓS DO CROCHET was born.

More than 70 students have passed through here. Today we have 3 classes with an average of 40 students in total and we work supporting and being supported by more than 50 crocheters spread throughout Brazil.

We offer psychological, pediatric and nutritional care. All services are voluntary and mostly offered by the residents of São Conrado.